"Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda are the ancient disciplines of life that have been practiced in India for centuries. They are mentioned in the scriptures of the Vedas and Upanishads. Yoga is the science of union with the Divine, with the Truth. ; Tantra is the most direct method of controlling the energy that creates the final union with Truth; and Ayurveda is the science of life. The purpose of any practice is to help the individual achieve longevity, rejuvenation and self-realization The goal of Yoga and Tantra practices is liberation ...
It is first necessary to understand Ayurveda in order to experience the practices of Yoga and Tantra. In this way Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra form an independent trinity of life. None of these practices stand alone. The health of the body, mind and conscience depend on the knowledge and practice of these three disciplines in everyday life. "
taken from " Ayurveda, the science of self -healing" by Vasant Lad
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