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Sacred Ritual of Touch
Tantric sensory experience to recognize and rediscover one's divine nature. Book an individual or couple session!


Yoni Healing
Healing sessions, individually or in a circle, for women only with the sacred sounds of Tantra, led by Ananta Deva.

The Goddesses of Wisdom
A journey to discover the divine feminine energy through mantras, yoga, meditation.
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Ayurvedic visits

The dr. Lisciani will soon return to Palermo to make his visits .  Discount for members!


Sacred male sexuality
For men who want to rediscover their own divine and "lunar" essence and learn to live like Shiva dancing on earth. 


Sacred female sexuality

For women who want to rediscover their divine essence and learn to live as Goddesses embodied on earth

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Sacred sexuality couples
For couples who want to deal with energy blocks or specific sexual problems through a tantric approach.


Tantra Yoga Meetings
Private lessons, face to face and online, for the practice of traditional Tantra Yoga with Shalini Devi.


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